Viva La Verve and CR84FN

A week or so ago, I bought a new stack of paper/cardstock – the Lemon Flower Stack by DCWV.  It has some really pretty yellow, green, gray, black, and silver colors in delightful patterns, and I thought I would grab it to help me prepare for the yellow challenges that inevitably arise when I least expect or want them.  At least I’ll have pretty paper on hand to help inspire me and get me in the mood a little more, since we know that yellow by itself will not do a darn thing for me! LOL! ;-D

Then the CR84FN #49 challenge turned out to be yellow, craft, and gray, so I figured ‘why not?’ and used the Viva La Verve March Week 1 sketch for further inspiration in creating this card:

I also used my Verve Framed Wishes stamp for this one, which I haven’t used since purchasing it.  So I was happy about that.  These flowers were all fussy cut from one of the 12×12 sheets from the paper Stack as Hubby and I were watching the college basketball game at 11:30 pm last night.  (I had ignored the fact that basketball is sooooo NOT worth staying up that late!  I have definitely been sleep walking today!)

Click on photo to enlarge for details.

Thanks for stopping by today. 😉

Challenge Photos:
Supplies Used:
Stamps:  Bloom & Grow, Framed Wishes (Verve)
Paper/Cardstock:  Designer Paper and Flowers (DCWV Lemon Flower Stack); Kraft, Rustic White Cardstocks (PTI)
Inks:  Versamark; Kraft (PTI); Tea Dye Distress Inks (Ranger)
Embellishments:  Silver Embossing Powder; Machine Stitching
Tools:  Sewing Machine

6 thoughts on “Viva La Verve and CR84FN

  1. Ohh my this is gorgeous Ally, I love the designer paper you used and your new Verve stamps. I am definitely in awe of your fussy cutting. I always have two left hands when I fussy cut. Divine.

  2. What a pretty card Ally, it has a warm elegant feel to it!! Great paper purchase too. A girl can never have too much pretty paper ~ hee! Your stitching and fussy cutting are marvelous.

  3. Ally this is gorgeous! The sparkle is so pretty and the sewing , wow what a great gob on the sewing and this sketch. Glamor card! I love the yellow with the gray!

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.